Caribbean Uptempo
A musical cocktail of ska, rocksteady, early reggae, calypso, mento and Latin rhythms inspired by the Notting Hill Carnival
A space dedicated to to the mixing of beats to dance to and enjoy
The idea of this space is born out of the special connection that links the sound ‘made in Jamaica’, oldies but goodies, with the deepest roots of Caribbean rhythms. A nexus that, can be felt here with music oscillating from reggae, rocksteady and ska through to calypso, soca and cumbia and other such styles.
Caribbean Uptempo is a multicultural fusion of sound, images and colours that will be run by Francesco Nembokid Selecta, founder of San Lorenzo Carnival in Rome –sister event of the mythical London carnival- and artistic director of the historical Sally Brown in Rome.
Also involved in this space will is the artistic collaboration of the legendary Toni Face, ‘soul’ of the Liquidator Music, one of the benchmark record labels for ska, rocksteady and reggae the world over.
On Stage:
NEMBOKID SELECTA (RudeRoma, Caribbean Uptempo, Roma San Lorenzo Carnival, resident of Sally Brown Rude Pub Roma)
STEFANO CECCHI (Official Caribbean Uptempo trumpet, Banda Bassotti, Radici nel cemento)
Opening act: Rude Zurito (Castle of Rudeness – Bellinzona, Ticino)